So, is Cream Of Tartar Keto? Although cream of tartar initially appears to be high in carbs, in reality, so little is used in baking that it is, in fact, keto friendly. Some people are concerned about the amount of potassium, however, as we explain below, that is nothing to be concerned about if you are only using the product in small amounts.
What is Cream of Tartar?
Cream of Tartar is a byproduct of winemaking, with a versatile, powdery base that can either be used as a cleaning agent or within baking. It’s added to baking soda in order to make baking powder.
It may come as some surprise but Cream of Tartar isn’t creamy like the name suggests. The substance is referred to by this name commercially because it makes it more marketable than its alternative scientific names. These other names are potassium bitartrate, potassium tartrate or simply, potassium salt.
Its core purpose in baking is to be added to stabilize eggs and whipped cream and speed up the volumizing process.
Since it contains a chemical component capable of breaking down sucrose and glucose in the body, cream of tartar may also be used to prevent the crystallization of syrups and sauces.
A Keto-Cap (aka A Keto Recap!)
If you’re new to keto and want a bit more information, check out our keto beginners guide.
As a quick summary, if you need it, the keto (also known as the ketogenic diet) is a low-carb, high-fat diet.
The whole concept of the keto diet is that your body transitions from burning glucose, in simple terms, sugars or carbohydrates, to burning fat as its primary fuel source.
For a keto diet, people will restrict their macros to eating;
- 70% of their calories from fat
- 25% from protein
- 5% from carbohydrates
Sticking to these macros for a period of time will put your body into a state of ketosis. Ketosis is when your body has transitioned from burning carbohydrates as its primary fuel source to burning fat for fuel. It is at this point that you will start to see and feel the benefits of the keto diet.
There are a lot of new terms and abbreviations that you may come across, sometimes it can feel like a new language that you need to learn. In order to help you out and keep you on the right track, we have created a keto terms and keto abbreviations guide, bookmark these to make your keto journey easier.
Some people can be put off the keto diet because of the side effects, however, these are only short-lived and the health benefits of keto far outweigh the side effects.
One of the main benefits which attract people to the keto diet is that it can cause significant reductions in insulin levels (by up to 75%) and blood sugar levels, which can be attractive to those that struggle with diabetes, amongst other health complaints.
What is the Nutritional Value of Cream of Tartar?
The following nutritional values are based on 100 grams of Cream of Tartar in its commercial state:
Carbs: 12 grams
Protein: 0 grams
Fat: 0 grams
Fibre: 0.2 grams
Sugar: 0 grams
Calories: 258 cal
There’s an addition of 16.5 grams of potassium in 100 grams of Cream of Tartar, which equates to almost 5 times the average adult’s daily recommended amount, however, the reality is that you should never be eating 100 grams of this in one go.
How Many Net Carbs are there in Cream of Tartar?
The net carbs of the substance can be calculated by deducting the amount of fiber from the total number of carbs.
In 100g of Cream of Tartar, there are approximately 11.8g of net carbs; (12 grams of carbs – 0.2 grams of fiber = 11.8 grams of net carbs).
An average serving size of cream of tartar is around 9 grams (depending on the recipe) meaning that an average serving of cream of tartar is around 1 gram of net carbs.
Is Cream of Tartar Keto Friendly?
The simple answer to this is yes, cream of tartar is keto friendly.
Addressing the Potassium Concerns
The recommended daily requirement of potassium for adults between the ages of 19 to 64 years needs 3,500mg (3.5g). This requirement can be found in approximately 21 grams of Cream of Tartar, as can approximately 13 grams of unwanted carbohydrates.
You’re unlikely to willingly consume that much of the substance in its base form on a daily basis, so it’s safe to assume that the majority of your daily potassium intake would be derived from food sources.
There are certain foods like avocado, fresh salmon, brussels sprouts, mushrooms, zucchini, and leafy green vegetables that contain a considerable amount of potassium.
What are the Health Benefits of Cream of Tartar?
Here’s where Cream of Tartar can be universally beneficial to those who can’t manage to find their daily requirements in foods alone. Taking ½ – 1 teaspoon of it each day mixed into a glass of water will provide up to 20% of the daily recommended amount of potassium.
Doing so can help you avoid the symptoms of potassium deficiency, including muscle cramps, mood changes, and fatigue which can be side effects of the keto flu.
Keto Top Tips
Staying hydrated on the keto diet is really important, for more on how much water you should be drinking, check out our guide to staying hydrated on the keto diet.
If you’re planning on dehydrating yourself(!) and drinking alcohol on the keto diet, check out our ultimate guide to drinking alcohol on a keto diet. Also, you may be interested in, how to recover from a cheat day.
Summary: Is Cream Of Tartar Keto?
Yes, cream of tartar is keto friendly and is often used within keto baking. Although it initially appears high in carbs, the reality is that it is consumed in such small quantities that it is not going to knock you out of ketosis. Cream of tartar is also high in potassium, which can be helpful if you are trying to overcome some of the initial side effects of keto.