Keto Abbreviations

  • Date: May 16, 2021
  • Time to read: 12 min.

Confused by Keto acronyms? Feel like people are talking in a different language? Don’t understand what people are talking about on blogs and forums? Don’t know your BPC from your TDEE? Do not worry!! I have been there in fact, most people who are living a keto life have been there! Keto abbreviations are a mine-field that can become overwhelming. Fear not, I’ve got you covered – check out the main Keto Abbreviations below!

Confused by all of the different Keto Abbreviations / Acronyms?

For those of you that haven’t read our blog before, where have you been?!

Keto Abbreviations Acronys list on a piece of paper

Only joking, but I do hope we can help you and that you will come back for more!

Anyway, before I started on my keto journey, I spent just over a year researching the science behind it, recipes and ingredients. I wanted to make sure that it was not another yo-yo diet, as I had tried enough of them in life!

I cannot explain to you how difficult the first month of research was, I was confused by the BPC requiring MCT and HWC, that’s before I even got into the science bits!

There are seemingly endless keto abbreviations/acronyms and when you get started on your keto way of living, these can be really overwhelming.

When I tried to convert one of my friends to keto, he got really frustrated with all of the abbreviations and gave up before he even started as he was too confused.

Making a note of the keto abbreviations…..

How did I get through it?

I made a note of all of the keto abbreviations and keto terms.

It wasn’t until I was around 3 months into keto that I was could fluently read the forums

My notes were originally scribbled in the back of a notebook that I used to carry around with me. Each time I was unsure about a keto acronym/abbreviation I would look it up.

When my friend was struggling, I typed them up on an email for him to get him started. Years later, I’ve tidied them up a bit for you so you don’t have to go through all of the stress of having to work them out!

Download my FREE Keto Abbreviations sheet here. You can have it with you electronically on your device or have a hard copy with you. Please don’t struggle as I did!


Keto Abbreviations / Acronyms

Clearly, here we are all crazy about keto! We love to hear from fellow keto-ers. If you have a keto abbreviation/acronym that you think others would benefit from knowing, please let me know in the comments below!

Below you will find a list of the 60+ most popular keto abbreviations/acronyms –  happy reading!

AbbreviationMeaning  AbbreviationMeaning 
ACVApple Cider Vinegar LCLow Carb
ASArtificial Sweetener LCHFLow Carb High Fat
BF%Body Fat Percentage LKLazy Keto
BGBlood Glucose MacrosMacronutrients
BMIBody Mass Index MCT Medium Chain Triglycerides
BMRBasal Metabolic Rate MFPMyfitnesspal
BPCBullet Proof Coffee NSVNon-Scale Victory
CICO (CI/CO)Calories In Calories Out OMAD One Meal A Day
CKDCyclical Keto Diet OWLOngoing Weight Loss
CWCurrent Weight PCOSPolycystic Ovary Syndrome
DKDirty Keto RDARecommended Daily Allowance
EFExtended Fasting RFLRocket Fuel Latte
EVOOExtra-Virgin Olive Oil RMRResting Metabolic Rate
FBGFasting Blood Glucose SADStandard American Diet
GKIGlucose Ketone Index SFSugar Free
GWGoal Weight SK Strict Keto 
HFHigh Fat SKDStandard Keto Diet
HFLCHigh Fat Low Carb SVScale Victory
HIITHigh Intensity Interval Training SWStart Weight
HWCHeavy Whipping Cream T1DType 1 Diabetes
IBSIrritable Bowel Syndrome T2DType 2 Diabetes
IFIntermittent Fasting TDEETotal Daily Energy Expediture
IIFYMIf It Fits Your Macros TKDTargeted Keto Diet
IMHOIn My Honest Opinion TL;DRToo Long, Don’t Read
IMOIn My Opinion TLDRToo Long, Don’t Read
IRInsulin Resistance TMIToo Much Information
JERFJust Eat Real Food WOEWay Of Eating
KCKOKeep Calm Keto On WOLWay Of Living
LBMLean Body Mass ZC Zero Carb

Phew – that was a long list!

We hope you found that helpful?

Have you come across an abbreviation that was not on the list?

Do you know what the abbreviation means now or still trying to work it out?

Let us know in the comments below, or drop me a message, and I will add it to the list so we can all benefit! ???

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