Is Black Pudding Keto? [You’ll Be Surprised]

  • Date: August 7, 2022
  • Time to read: 9 min.

Black pudding is one of those foods like marmite; people either love it or hate it. For years I didn’t even want to try it. I was put off by some of the ingredients in this, and then one way I did, WOW. I was sold! But is black pudding keto? If not, can it be made keto? Read on, and we will take you through everything you need to know about black pudding on keto.ow about black pudding on keto.

When I accepted that I was overweight and for my health, I needed to lose weight and, more importantly, keep that weight off

I was researching a new ‘diet.’ I knew I needed a WOE instead of another calorie and taste-controlled diet that I would stick to for 6 – 12 weeks before feeling starved of life.

Anyway, one of the things I was concerned about never getting to eat again was black pudding. I spent ages researching, is black pudding keto? So, to save you time, we have drawn up this guide to take you through everything you need to know about black pudding on the keto diet

A Brief Recap On Keto

If you have been eating keto for any time, you will know the focus of a keto diet is to keep your macros to 70% Fat, 25% Protein, and 5% Carbohydrates (Carbs).

This 5% of carbs should not exceed 20 grams for a traditional keto diet. Depending on whether you are doing lazy, dirty, or strict (aka clean), keto will depend on how and whether you track these macros.

To keep your carb content under 20 grams, you need to be conscious of what you are eating and stick to low carbs foods. Whether you are eating lazy, dirty, or strict keto will depend on whether you are concerned with the quality of the foods you eat.

These low-carb foods also need to be low on the glycemic index (GI). If they are not low on the GI, they may spike your blood sugar and knock you out of ketosis.

If keto is new to you, why not check out our Keto Starters Guide, which should take you through everything you need to know.

Also, if you’re new to the keto community, why not check out our keto terms and abbreviations guides? They will make your life easier.

Now, let’s get into the detail of the carbs in black pudding and the nutritional value of black pudding to decide whether they are appropriate for a keto lifestyle.

What Is Black Pudding?

Black Pudding Alternative Names

In Spain, it’s called ‘morcilla,’ in the US, it is sometimes called ‘blood pudding.’ In France, it is called ‘boudin noir’ (blood sausage), and in the UK, it is largely called ‘black pudding.’

Its history has been debated over the years, but it is believed to have originated in Scotland.

The word “black” comes from the color of the pigskin used to stuff the casings.

The term “pudding,” on the other hand, refers to the consistency of the sausage itself. It should have somebody or texture to it so that when cooked, it holds together rather than crumbling and falling apart into pieces.

Black pudding is animal blood, fat, and other fillers bound in a black casing.

Traditionally the meat found within the black pudding was pork. This is still largely true today, but there are some alternatives.

How is Black Pudding Made?

Now we know what’s in black pudding, let’s have a look at how it’s made.

To make it black pudding, the blood (usually pigs’ blood) is mixed with fats and oatmeal. This should form a pudding mixture consistency. 

After this, the mixture is packed into the casing. This ‘sausage’ is then served boiled, fried, or grilled.

Is Black Pudding Healthy?

Is black pudding good for you? This is a difficult question to answer, with so many varieties on the market.

In 2016 Muscle Food declared Black Pudding a ‘Superfood’.

Although there is no definition of what a superfood contains, it’d be safe to say there. However, black pudding has several nutritional benefits; it should only be eaten in moderation as part of a healthy diet. 

What Are The Health Benefits Of Black Pudding?

Black pudding is a good source of protein and iron, although these quantities will vary depending on the quality of the product that you are buying.

Getting your vitamins and minerals on keto is as important as ensuring that you hit your macros.

If you are interested in learning more about vitamins and supplements on keto, check out our supplements guide. This will help you in deciding whether black pudding on keto is for you.

What Is The Nutritional Value Of Black Pudding?

Let’s have a look at what the nutritional values of black pudding are.

To answer the question, is black pudding keto? We need to look at the nutritional value.

The nutritional values for original black pudding per 100 grams are; 

  • Carbs: 3.0 grams.
  • Protein: 15.2 grams.
  • Fat: 34 grams.
  • Sugar: 0 grams.
  • Calories: 374cal

Black pudding provides amounts of sodium, potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium, and zinc, which can help on a keto diet.

Check out this article on the Keto Flu and how some of these elements can assist.

Black pudding is quite high in protein. This will need to be factored into your daily macros. It also has a high number of grams of fat, which is perfect for a keto diet.

Black pudding nutrition can be a bit of a mystery as every manufacturer has its recipe for it.

Some can be as high as 20 grams of carbs per 100g, others are made with fewer carbs.

So, if you are buying it off the shelf, read the nutrition label, as the carbs in black pudding can vary dramatically.

How Many Net Carbs Are There In Black Pudding?

Net carbs are calculated by deducting the amount of fiber from the total number of carbs. The net carbs have already been calculated in the values above.

An average single serving of Black Pudding is around 30 grams, equating to 1 gram of net carbs per serving.

As discussed above, if you are eating a traditional keto diet, your primary aim is to stay below 20 grams of carbs in a day, making black pudding keto-friendly when looking at the carb count.

So, Is Black Pudding Keto Friendly?

We have established that black pudding does not have a high carb count, is high in fat, and is moderate in protein, but is black pudding keto diet-friendly?

A traditional black pudding recipe calls for cereal grains to be able to bind all of the other ingredients together. Grains are not keto-friendly food.

So if you eat a strict or clean keto diet, then technically, no black pudding is NOT keto-friendly.

However, if you take a more lazy, dirty approach to keto, the black pudding should fit within your macros.

A 30 gram serving of black pudding should not spike your blood sugar so as to knock you out of ketosis.

We would recommend that when you are buying this in the store, you check out the nutritional label to ensure that you are not buying a poor quality sausage packed with oats and, therefore, higher in carbs.

How To Make Black Pudding Keto Friendly?

If you want to make keto black pudding, why not try this recipe from Lisa Bailey? I have never tried making my own. When I ventured into the keto world, I befriended my local butcher.

He finds it hilarious that I go in asking for all of the fatty cuts of meat that everybody else avoids.

If you have a local butcher, I highly recommend going in when it’s quiet and chatting with them about the keto diet. I have found that mine is interested and is very happy to recommend ‘fattier’ cuts of meat and what to do with them.

Over the years, we’ve built a really good relationship, and now I put in a standing order for his black pudding. He replaces the oats with psyllium husk at my request.

This helps bind the ingredients together and keeps the texture the same as the original. He even slices it for me.

I have to pop it into the freezer and take a couple of slices as I want.

With the growing popularity of the keto diet, I do not think it will be long before we see keto black pudding on the shelves in the local stores.

Is It Ok To Eat Black Pudding On A Low Carb Diet?

Yes, black pudding can be eaten on a low carb diet.

Here are some of my favorite ways to enjoy black pudding on a keto, low-carb diet.

Is White Pudding Keto Friendly?

White pudding is similar to black pudding but is normally made with pork.

It is white as it does not contain blood like its partner, black pudding.

How Many Carbs In White Pudding?

Per 100 grams, the average white pudding will contain around 16 grams of carbs, around 5 grams of which will be fiber, and therefore can be deducted to leave us with around 10 grams of net carbs per 100 grams.

This works out to around 1.7 grams of net carbs per slice.

As with black pudding, the quality of white pudding varies massively, meaning that some will have lower net carbs and some higher.

Is White Pudding Healthy?

White pudding is rich in essential micronutrients such as iron and calcium, which can be good for a keto diet.

So, Is White Pudding Keto?

Depending on the variety you choose, white pudding can be keto friendly.

Keto Black Pudding FAQs

Keto Black Pudding Recipes

Here are some of our favorite ways to eat black pudding on keto.

  • black pudding with poached eggs
  • black pudding with mozzarella and cherry tomatoes
  • black pudding and walnut salad
  • black pudding stuffed chicken (this is a real favorite of mine)
  • traditional British ‘fry-up’ breakfast

There are hundreds of amazing keto black pudding recipes out there. There, with a few tweaks can be made keto friendly. Have a look and see what you can find.

Do you have a favorite low carb, keto way to eat black pudding, or have you tried making your own? Let us know in the comments below. ???

Final Thoughts: Can You Have Black Pudding On Keto?

If you a living a clean/strict keto life, black pudding is probably not for you. However, if you are less strict or even eating a low carb diet, black pudding can fit within your macros with its low carb count, high-fat and moderate protein. It is a versatile food that can go from simple to gourmet in seconds. If you are conscious of buying shop bough varieties, speak with your butcher and see if they can made you black pudding keto friendly.  

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