
Can I Drink Alcohol And Intermittent Fast

Can I Drink Alcohol And Intermittent Fast? [Guide]

Intermittent fasting has no end of health benefits, despite this, you may want to know whether you can drink alcohol when intermittent fasting. In the article, we will take you through when to and when not to drink alcohol when intermittent fasting. This will ensure you get the balance between getting all of the benefits from your intermittent fast, whilst still enjoying a drink. Best of both worlds. 

What Can I Drink Durning Intermittent Fasting

What Can I Drink During Intermittent Fasting? [Keto Approved]

If you’ve decided to try intermittent fasting, good on you. However, if you will be depriving yourself of food for sometimes days on end, you need to make sure you get your liquid intake right. You don’t want to undo all of the hard work you have done through fasting by drinking the wrong thing. Here, we will answer the question, ‘What can I drink during intermittent fasting’, as well as taking you through the drinks to avoid.

Intermittent Fasting Key Terms

Intermittent Fasting: Key Terms

Intermittent fasting, like keto, has its own language attached to it, so here we’ve pulled together a like of the intermittent fasting key terms you may need to know. Bookmark them, or print them off to make your life easier!

How To Break A Fast

IF: How To Break A Fast [DON’T Get It Wrong]

In this article, we will take you through the dos and donts of how to break a fast following intermittent fasting. You do not want to undo all of your hard work by getting this wrong, nor do you want to make yourself feel ill post fast. So let’s get into how to break a fast the right way!

Keto Fasting Timeline - Intermittent fasting timeline

Keto Fasting Timeline [How Does It Work]

What are the benefits of intermittent fasting, and when do these benefits kick in? In this article, we will take you through the intermittent fasting timeline, and we will look at how this differs for keto eaters [SPOILER ALERT: The timeline speeds up!]. Read on to find out everything you need to know about the intermittent fasting timeline on keto.

Alternate Day Fasting Keto

Alternate Day Fasting [ULTIMATE Keto Guide]

Alternate day fasting has become increasingly popular, regardless of the diet they are on. Only recently have people been combining it with the keto diet and seeing the shocking effects. In this article, we will take you through what alternate day fasting is, the pros and cons, as well as how to effectively combine it with the keto diet. Don’t miss out on our top tips at the end.