Can I eat Nuts on Keto?

  • Date: May 22, 2021
  • Time to read: 4 min.

Can I eat nuts on keto? Nuts about keto? Or is Keto driving you nuts? Find out how many carbs are in nuts, which nuts you can eat on a keto diet and which nuts to avoid!

Can I eat nuts on Keto?

Yes! You can have nuts on a keto way of living. As with most things, not all nuts are made equal, some having more cabs than others.  In this article I will take you through how many carbs are in different nuts, what I believe are the best nuts to eat to stay within your macros and in ketosis and which to avoid!

Need to know more about you macros – find out everything you need to know here!

Not sure what ketosis is? Check out this article.

How many carbs are in nuts?

How many carbs in Almonds?

Almonds have 5.7g of carbs per 25g

Almonds are a popular nut on a keto lifestyle, I personally eat these in some form most days. They are good for savoury and sweet alike.

How many carbs in Brazil Nuts?

Brazil Nuts have 3.5g of carbs per 25g, these are quite meaty, so make a great snack if you are on the go!

How many carbs in Cashew Nuts?

Cashew Nuts have 8.5g of carbs per 25g. These are relatively high in carbs. This doesn’t stop me splitting a few in half and popping them in my homemade Keto Chinese Beef & Cashew!

How many carbs in Hazelnuts?

Hazelnuts have 4.9g of carbs per 25g. I will regularly chop a few of these and make a Keto-Friendly chocolate bar, especially if I need a snack for the cinema or film night at home!

How many carbs in Macadamia Nuts?

Macadamia Nuts have 3.9g of carbs per 25g. These are delicious as an evening snack, with a glass of wine!

How many carbs in Peanuts?

Peanuts have 4.6g of carbs per 25g, again, they make a lovely snack. I do try and stay away from these as I am a nightmare with peanuts, once I start, I can’t stop! 

How many carbs in Pecan Nuts?

Pecan Nuts have 3.9g of carbs per 25g. Great for Pecan Pie, or Candied Pecans!

How many carbs in Pistachios?

Pistachios have 7.6g of carbs per 25g. Just like Brazil Nuts, these are quite high in carbs! I do like a few in my Keto Pistachio Ice Cream. It is delicious!

How many carbs in Tiger Nuts?

Tiger Nuts have 8.7g of carbs per 25g, these are a nice little snack. However, they are quite high in carbs relative to some of the other nuts,  so I do eat these sparingly!

How many carbs in Walnuts?

Walnuts have 3.9g of carbs per 25g. Walnuts are one of the lowest carb nuts, making them perfect for a Keto lifestyle.

I will have these most days on some full-fat Greek Yoghurt with some chia seeds as a keto-friendly breakfast.

What are the Best Nuts to eat on a keto diet?

For me, the best nuts for a keto diet are Brazil nuts, Pecan Nuts, Macadamia Nuts and Walnuts. I buy all of these individually and create my own mix. This so I can have a bit of everything, but I add more of the low-carb nuts to the mix!

What are the Worst Nuts to eat on Keto?

Pistachios, although delicious, are quite sweet in taste, which makes them very moreish – you can soon eat too many of them. I’ve been guilty of this a few times.

Where to buy Nuts

If you are budget conscious like me, you will no doubt be looking for the cheapest places to buy the best value products. Although I have found that I spend less money on food living a keto lifestyle, I know a lot of people worry that keto will cost them more money.

That’s why I have set up the Keto Pantry. This is an accumulation of years of trial and error with different products. It’s a list of the best value, best quality keto products, that I personally use.

If you are looking for the best value nuts & seeds, check out the Nut & Seed Pantry

How not to overeat nuts on Keto

Nuts are a great snack on a keto diet. As they are high in fat, they fill you up easily. They’re also great if you’re indulging in a drink and want a ‘nibble’ with it. Having a few nuts can stop you from reaching for the crisps. They are easy to overeat though. The carbs can soon add up.

I often take nuts to work as a keto snack – they’re great for keeping me going. At the beginning of the week, I weigh out 5 days’ worth of nuts and store them in little Lock & Lock containers in the cupboard, ready to grab and throw in my handbag as I need them.

As I have mentioned, I buy all of my nuts individually and then make up my own mixed boxes, with the majority being the lower in carb nuts, and then I throw in a couple of the higher in carb nuts!

I’m sad, I know, but this keeps life easy and I don’t have to worry about inadvertently knocking myself out of ketosis.   

If you don’t know how to check whether you are in ketosis, check out this article.

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